We already have created and run our first app. Before adding new features to that, it’s a good practice to integrate the project to a version control system such as Subversion (SVN), Mercurial or Git. So here we will see… Continue Reading →
I had to find a answer for this question when I moved this site for another server. Actually, my domain didn’t change but I had lot of internal links on almost one hundred posts that started with “https” when I’m not using “https”… Continue Reading →
Once you have created your project, there are two ways to run that. The first one is creating an Android Virtual Device (AVD) on your computer. And the second one is running on your smartphone. I think the most of people will prefer… Continue Reading →
We already have our development environment installed, right? Then let’s create our first Android project now. 1 Open Android Studio 2 Start a new Android Studio project Some fields should be filled now. You can keep the default values or make your own choices. 2.1 Configure… Continue Reading →
After so many years developing for Desktop and Web, I think it would be great to create something for Mobile as well. Then I started to learn Android last week and my objective now is to develop an App that helps… Continue Reading →
Do you have a new repository and would like to add your files using Subversion? Good news! Some few steps are enough for that. You will see that using subversion is easier than you could imagine. 1. Create a local… Continue Reading →
Submitting changes to a central repository using Subversion is not difficult. But there are some steps to be respected at risk of committing mistakes literally. The safe route is as follows. 1. Go to the repository $ cd featured-image-from-url 2. Update the repository $ svn up Updating ‘.’:… Continue Reading →
You have already done the changes in your code and committed them. Now you want to release the code. How to do that? How to create a new version using Subversion? That’s what we will see below! 1. Go to… Continue Reading →
RESUMO Esta monografia (Segurança da Informação: uma Visão Geral sobre as Soluções Adotadas em Ambientes Organizacionais) apresenta um panorama geral sobre a segurança da informação. As principais ameaças, vulnerabilidades, soluções, tecnologias e procedimentos envolvidos são discutidos aqui de forma simples… Continue Reading →
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